Friday, August 25, 2006

20 Things That Irritate Me

1. Hypocrites

2. Bras

3. Lita Ford and Hair Bands of the 1980s

4. People who don't say 'thank you' when you hold the door for them

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Hot weather (Hate it! And we're talking big, hot, heaping hunks of hate.)

7. Bragging

8. Slow computers, slow internet, etc.

9. Typos and spelling errors in novels and books

10. Spending money on a crappy book (I'm with Zeek on this one!)

11. Prickly, unshaven legs (on myself, of course)

12. Liberals who don't practice what they preach . . . TOLERANCE!

13. People who can dish it out but can't take it.

14. Having to wear glasses or contacts

15. People who come to my house who don't bring any beer at all and then drink all the expensive beer

16. Being stuck behind a driver who goes 10 miles below the speed limit with nowhere to pass

17. Paying $3 for a gallon of gas

18. Having a head cold

19. People who don't wave back

20. When folks let their kids run rough shod with no consideration whatsoever of the mess and/or havoc they are creating

I'm tagging Tater at The Cage.


For all the folks who bitch and moan that the evil Joos are taking over the Middle East by committing ethnic cleansing/genocide of the Arabs and Muslims.

See that little brown strip wedged in there by the Mediterranean? That's Israel. The whole thing. Now go piss up a rope.